Online Education Experiences

Let the zoo come to you! Our 45-60 minute interactive virtual programs are facilitated by our passionate educators and include the opportunity to hear from our Zoo animal care staff, observe our animals and participate in engaging activities.


The Needs of Living Things: How Zoos Care

All animals have the same basic needs, but animals in the Zoo meet some of those needs differently. Discover the passionate people who work at Assiniboine Park Zoo to learn how they ensure all of our animals’ needs are met.

Science Curricular Links: Grade 1 – Characteristics of Living Things

Recognize that plants, animals, and humans, as living things, have particular needs.

Life at the Zoo: Understanding Lifecycles at the Zoo

Whether they are born here, come here, or leave here – every zoo animal experiences part or all of their lifecycle at the zoo. Learn how our zoo supports animals throughout their lifecycle, and helps animal lifecycles in the wild!

Science Curricular Links: Grade 2 – Growth and Change in Animals

Identify and describe ways in which humans help other animals

Roles of the Rainforests and Tropical Adaptations

Rainforests can be tough places for plants and animals to live, but we all depend on rainforests to help our planet. This program explores the awesome adaptations of rainforest plants and animals. It will also explore the symbiotic relationships between rainforest plants and animals.

Science Curricular Links: Grade 3 – Growth and Changes in Plants

Explain how different adaptations of plants help them survive in particular environments

Life on the Ice: Learning About Polar Bears and Seals

What brings polar bears and seals together? Sea ice! Learn how these two marine mammals are adapted to sea ice and bonded to their habitat. Unfortunately, this connection is in jeopardy and we can also discover what we do to help it.

Science Curricular Links: Grade 4 – Habitats and Communities

Identify physical and behavioural adaptations of animals and plants, and infer how these adaptations help them survive in a specific habitat.

Comparing Cats: The Purrfect Predators

Cats are excellent hunters that can be found all over the world in a range of different habitats. This program will introduce you to some of the felines at the Zoo, including the adaptations they all share and the unique adaptations specific to their habitat. It will also explore how the Zoo supports a predator when it can’t predate.

Science Curricular Links: Grade 6 – Diversity of Living Things

Compare and contrast the adaptations of closely related vertebrates living in different habitats, and suggest reasons that explain these adaptations.

Zoo Careers: The Role in Making a Difference

Discover the functions that a modern zoo plays in today’s society, and the people involved at Assiniboine Park Zoo who support those roles. This program explores the development of the modern zoo and the variety of professions available at the Park. It will also highlight how individuals and careers can make a difference for the animals and the planet.

Career Development Curricular Links: Grade 9 – Work Exploration

Exposure to meaningful community and career experiences.

Rates & Registration

Cost per program: $75.00

With help from the Parkshare TODAY fund, we have secured funding to assist Manitoba public schools with virtual program fees. Funding is currently available and we encourage all groups to apply for funding.

To book a virtual program and apply for funding, click the button below: 

Request a Program

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